UK Educating Clients

Dec 8, 2022
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United Kingdom
Hi, New poster.

I'm a trainee but also part owner of an accountants (having come from another industry into business with my qualified Chartered accountant partner).

We have in the past few years taken over another practice but with very little time in that period for either staff training not direct focus on client training.

What i'm looking for advice/information on is how much time and in what depth you spend on teaching clients the basics. In a way that benefits both the client and yourself in reducing your time spent on tasks and thus improving efficiency and profitability I.e.:

* The importance of invoices for Reclaiming Input VAT
* Keeping records neat and tidy and showing them how to do this
* what depth you explain to them what they need to keep and what they don't
* what depth you explain to them what they need to know and what they don't

I'm getting to grips with A few quarterly VAT clients at present but all have been untidy to some extent. Just considering whether an hour meeting with them just going over the basics that i am picking up at college that i would never have known if i was starting up my own business pays dividends in the long run.

Bear with me as i'm in the early throws of AAT level 3.

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