Finding dividends per share without a percentage?

May 11, 2012
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I'm looking at my final right now, and for the first time all semester I'm seeing a question asking to to find dividends per share for 6 years on preferred and common stock, but the only information i'm being given is the number of shares, and the price. No percentage yield. Is it possible to do the math on this and still come up with the right answer? Here is the question for those who may be confused:

Snowmobile Corp. manufactures and sells snowmobiles in Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Dakotas. A publicly owned corporation, the company’s outstanding stock consisted of 5,000 shares of $2 cumulative Preferred Stock and 10,000 shares of Common Stock in the years 2005 – 2010. Prairie Fire has declared the following annual dividends over the six-year period: 2005 none; 2006 $ 10,000; 2007 $ 15,000; 2008 $ 12,000; 2009 $ 75,000; and 2010 $ 90,000. Calculate the total dividends and the per-share dividends for each class of stock for each of the six years. Include a column for dividends in arrears.

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