USA Online accounting degree

May 3, 2015
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United States
I was wondering if I could get some opinions on online degrees. I am stuck in a situation where I will be moving several times over the next two years, but I want to get started on my degree. My main choices so far are Capella University, Penn State, Washington State, and University of Alabama. Thoughts?
May 7, 2015
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United States
I think doing online for your undergrad is going to be tough, because accounting just isn't an easy subject to self teach. I did my undergrad at University of Houston but am doing my Masters online with A&M... I couldn't imagine doing my undergrad online.

Here is my advice: I work with a lot of highly educated people. Some received very expensive degrees, whereas others paid less for their education and ended up in the same place... The bottom line is that the education requirements for the CPA exam do not change depending on what school you go to... We all have to take the same courses in order to qualify to sit for the exam, so those are the courses that universities offer. The classes are all the same.

As CPA requirements vary from state to state, I recommend choosing a school in the state you will be working in once you graduate. That way you will avoid having to take extra classes in order to qualify to sit for the exam in your home state. As far as employers go, they typically hire people who graduated from the same school they did. My firm is full of UH and A&M Alumni. I say this point out that it is smarter to go to school in the same state you will be working.
May 3, 2015
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United States
I'm not thrilled with the idea of going to school online for that very reason, it has been an internal struggle trying to decide one way or the other. I also have not decided weather I will sit for the CPA or not at this point after getting my degree. I am married to the military, so I can't exactly choose a state that I will be working in in the future either. Tough decisions ahead. Thank you for your insight.
May 7, 2015
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United States
I'm not thrilled with the idea of going to school online for that very reason, it has been an internal struggle trying to decide one way or the other. I also have not decided weather I will sit for the CPA or not at this point after getting my degree. I am married to the military, so I can't exactly choose a state that I will be working in in the future either. Tough decisions ahead. Thank you for your insight.

Ahenry, it is my pleasure. I still think you should prepare as though you will be taking the exam, just in case you decide to do so once you graduate. If you are a CPA in one state, employers will take you very seriously, even if you are certified in a different state. Believe me, passing the exam opens a lot of doors, regardless of where you are when you pass.

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