USA I need a few testers for some accouting software

Jun 12, 2013
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I need a few folks to test some Java accounting software I'm writing. Search for Java Ledger on sourceforge. If you see DOS screen shots you are in the right place. I'm testing this myself using my own personal data for this year. Don't judge an app by its interface. This is a basic accounting engine I'm working on. I used console as interface first just for working out the bugs and testing. The latest download file uses a couple of libraries JDOM and JCurses. But it is not the latest source. Latest source is in the SVN repository.

Anyway I know I may have some things that need to be fixed with the reports. For example I do credits - debits to show balance which results in negative balances a lot where I should show positive balance I guess due to normal balance of the account.

I use batch files to run the dos command which generates the report screen. use arrow keys to navigate the report and escape to exit. I just finished a report that is like the balance sheet but for multiple months and shows total in first column and average in 2nd column. My next major goal is to report on multiple periods side by side. Such as 4 quarters or 2 bi annual or multiple years. At that point the engine will nearly complete aside from some redesign to simplify the programming interface.

The next thing I will do is to give reports in HTML or CSV ("," delimited) After that I'm thinking of working on phone interface for android.

Any comments or criticism is welcome, thanks.

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