Construction Accounting Software - Recommendations?

Mar 28, 2014
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Due to recent and on-going expansion, my company is looking to switch from Sage to something more specifically built for the construction industry.

I'd be interested to hear which programs work for others in the industry. Are specific packages actually more beneficial? Is there anything you miss out from, when switching from a generic software package? What special features do you find that you utilise most? Are there ant you don't feel are necessary?

All opinions welcome.


Jun 14, 2013
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Hi Jay,

I used to do a lot of bookkeeping for construction and the trades.

Before I make any recommendations and answer your questions, there are a few questions that you could answer that will help me to get a better picture of what kind of business you're running.

How big is your business?
How many people besides yourself will be using the software?
What features are you missing with Sage?
And which features are you using the most with the package that you're currently using?

It's possible that you're not getting the most out of your current software if you are finding things tough.

Feel free to bounce any and all queries off me.


Mar 28, 2014
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Hi John,

My company employees 12 plus contractors as and when required.
There will mainly be my accountant, admin and myself using the accounting software.
Estimating is always off with Sage which is infuriating and takes a long to get around. It doesn't seem to understand that construction work isn't predictable in that some months will have more or less jobs than others. I can cope fine with I think as we expand and I have less time it could make book keeping a real chore.

I just find with Sage I have to take a long way around with everything and would like something more straightforward.

I use a lot of the features, anything to make life easier really e.g reporting, forecasting, invoicing etc.

I feel like I am using them to the best of my ability but things aren't as simple as I'd like them to be. I still have to keep track of everything separately as the job costing tool doesn't give me a detailed enough breakdown. I need this because often figures can be out and I need to be able to pin them down.

Hopefully that's enough info?

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