How to calculate annual sustainable growth rate if equity and net income aren't given

Aug 13, 2013
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Genentech, Inc. is a California-based biotech pioneer recently acquired by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche Holding AG. Roche paid $46.8 billion in cash for the 44 percent of Genentech it did not already own, implying a market value of over $100 billion for the entire company. For a look at Genentech's recent sustainable growth challenges, consider the following selected financial data:

Profit Margin (%)- 2003- 17.0
Retention Ratio (%) - 2003- 100.0
Asset turnover (X)- 2003- 0.38
Financial Leverage (X)- 2003- 1.64
Growth rate in sales (%) - 2003- 26.1

Profit Margin (%)- 2004- 17.0
Retention Ratio (%)-2004- 100.0
Asset Turnover (X)-2004- 0.49
Financial Leverage (X)-2004- 1.44
Growth Rate in Sales (%)-2004-40.0

Profit Margin (%)- 2005- 19.3
Retention Ratio (%) - 2005- 100.0
Asset Turnover (X)- 2005- 0.55
Financial Leverage (X)- 2005- 1.79
Growth Rate In Sales (%)- 2005- 43.5

Profit Margin (%)- 2006- 22.8
Retention Ratio (%)- 2006- 100.0
Asset Turnover (X)- 2006- 0.63
Financial Leverage (X)- 2006- 1.99
Growth Rate in Sales (%)- 2006- 40.0

Profit Margin (%)- 2007- 23.6
Retention Ratio (%)- 2007- 100.0
Asset Turnover (X)- 2007- 0.62
Financial Leverage (X)- 2007- 2.00
Growth Rate in Sales (%)-2007- 26.3

A.) Calculate Genentech's annual sustainable growth rate for the years 2003-2007.

B.) Did Genentech face a growth management challenge during this period? Please explain briefly.

C.) How did Genentech cope with this challenge?

D.) Calculate Genentech's sustainable growth rate in 2007 assuming an asset turnover of 0.72 times. Calculate the sustainable growth rate in 2007 assuming a financial leverage of 2.20 times. Calculate the sustainable growth rate in 2007 assuming both of these changes occur.

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