newbie-managing credit cards

Sep 24, 2010
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Hey all, I'm new to bookkeeping and new to quickbooks. I recently started working for a sole prop. who has also just starting using quickbooks. Here is my dilemma (well, one of many, but the one I'm working on now).

Owner has set up everyone as a vendor, including the company credit card. They enter bill for the amount they are going to pay each month, then pay bill using that feature. This obviously doesn't account for any of the purchases they made.

I'm attempting to set this card up the correct way, and am going to go back to the beginning of the year and re-enter all transactions and payments, then delete the previous bills and pmt made under the vendor screen. (lots of work, I know but I'm trying to make my life easier next year).

My dilemma is that from Jan to April, all the payments to the credit card were made from the owner's personal checking acct (which is not set up in quickbooks) as opposed to the business acct. How can I account for the payments/credit made by this checking acct when I reconcile so the balance is correct?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


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