USA RMS adding Total Quantity Sold to Status Bar

Sep 18, 2017
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United States
Hoping someone can help me. I am aware that there is an HTML script to show Total Quantity of Items Sold in the Status Bar of RMS Store Operations. HOWEVER, I need something SLIGHTLY different. I would like to show total quantity of items purchased LESS bottle deposits. Yes, bottle deposits. Here's the issue. I am in NY state which has a mandatory bottle deposit on soft drinks and beers. I have a customer who sells a lot of these and would like to have a quick tally of the total quantity of items sold per transaction. Problem is that if he is selling a 30 Pack of Coors Light, there are 30 bottle deposits per case, so the Total Quantity of Items sold would be 31 items: a case of Coors Light and 30 bottle deposits. Even if I created a 30 count bottle deposit, it would still overstate my Total Quantity Sold by 1. (One case of beer, One 30-count bottle deposit). Would really like it if someone could help me with this. I understand that the parameters are in QSRules, but am looking for some guidance on how to format the HTML code for this.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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