USA Best way to manage many AP invoices?

Feb 21, 2023
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United States
Hello, I'm an accounts payable clerk for my company. I'm the only AP person and I have a lot of flexibility in how I manage my job. For many years we were still on a paper system, receiving paper invoices, getting paper packing lists/purchase orders from my buyers, mailing a paper check. (we change slowly around here lol).

I started the process to move us to paperless. So I had my invoices emailed to me from my vendors. My buyers email me the backup documents. I do all my transactions in Global Shop Solutions software. We starting using a new utility that auto attaches documents. I rename documents a certain, drop them in a folder and they attach in the software.

Now I was using Microsoft Outlook to receive my emails with invoice attachments. I was able to create a number of macros to allow me to download many invoices at once to a folder for me to sort through. (only the attachment, not the email) I would love it if I knew how to create a rule that would automatically save attachments from a specific vendor to a specific folder, but I have not found a way to make that possible.

Now...for reasons only IT department can explain, we're not using outlook anymore, but something called Icewarp desktop client. (no idea what IT is up, its kinda of mess). This is a simplified version of outlook sort of. It may only be temporary. But i dont have all the options anymore. This creates a real problem for me.

I get around 100 invoices a day, give or take and i run my payment weekly.

I'm trying to think of ways to manage my invoices. I can't download them all at once anymore. Does anyone have any ideas?
Feb 15, 2023
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United States
Move them to SharePoint so they can be retained there with columns added until you are able to get them entered into your ERP System.


VIP Member
May 12, 2011
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United States
Since IT created this problem, they should have to fix it. Open a problem ticket or IT request and tell them you have lost an important IT function and request them to provide a solution. May not work but at least it goes on the record.

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