USA Building My Resume

Sep 21, 2023
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United States
I am a current college student, around 2 semesters away from an associate's degree. I have been applying to jobs that would look great on a resume for accounting such as accounting clerk, bookkeeper, and bank teller, and I have had no jobs get back to me during my job hunt. I understand that it is early in my degree to be looking for jobs that would look good on a resume, but how would you all approach this? What kind of jobs should I be looking for? How did you get your name out there? What are some key things I should include in my resume or cover letter to better increase my chances of intriguing a potential employer?


VIP Member
May 12, 2011
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United States
Unemployment rate nationwide is low so that is good for you. BUT at the age of, I assume, 20 it becomes difficult for an employer to be keen on you. Realize that you are very "mobile" and that makes it difficult for a prospective employer to put the (expensive) training into you when you might move on to something better. Look at who are the big employers or industries in your area versus just getting any job. Also, this is the time you should be networking at school. Some of your classmates might snag a good spot and it would be good if you spent time to get to know them BEFORE you needed to call them and see if they could help you find something. If your school has a placement center which helps students get before potential employers be sure to take advantage of that.

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