Entrepreneurial thinking in accounting - good or bad thing!

Feb 15, 2013
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Accounting is a broad discipline that traverses and draws upon many differing levels of expertise. My understanding is that a “forum” is a place where participants express ideas. So long as postings to this forum are not obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening or violate any laws and deal with matters of accounting one might generally conclude that all comments are welcomed. It seems, however, there is another forum rule that operates on this site and that would appear to be, you must not express any ideas that you may have a commercial interest in. Understandable though that might be, does this policy not overlook the fact that we live in a world where some people who work in accounting think it about it in an entrepreneurial ways? Accountants who try new ways of doing things, like anyone who tries to be creative, always run the risk of having others dismiss and ridicule their ideas - it is only those who attempt something different, however, that have any chance of coming up with something that others might have a use for.
Feb 19, 2013
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While, I am not following your post, I will comment on the topic of accounting and entrepreneurial thinking. There is a misconception that accountants only think "black" and "white". There are so many situations that need creative solutions to come to an answer. Auditors are constantly thinking of ways to get assurance over management assumptions and account balances.
Feb 15, 2013
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Creative thinking

Yes I agree regarding your thinking on auditors; you are right my post was not so clear. I guess my main point was that as an accountant I am very much at the creative side of the profession. I work, design and build software solutions, forms, interactive checklists and control platforms to make accounting more accurate. I note, however, there is a real resistance by many accountants to new ideas; hence my comments.
Mar 7, 2013
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Entrepreneurial Accounting

I agree absolutely with the commercial elements highlighted in the argument put forward - it is part of a bigger issue called freedom. With so much legislation and best practices the term capitalism has been ruled out of order. Seems you can not do something for a selfish motive - positive selfish motives are great for forward motion. It seems to me I see more beautiful capitalism in countries that have less rules to follow. Remember post WW2 - not so many lawyers, deals were made, a few got burned but everyone got smarter from the experience. Now-a-days people experience very little so the quality of their decisions suffers, = there is a term for it- oh yes I remember Recession. To me there is a happy balance but I do not think it will come about and I am an eternal optimist. The answer will always be entrepreneurial capitalism - give it a chance it will power up any failed economy in 5 or 6 years it is an amazing system - no shortage of selfish creative entrepreneurial people on this planet.

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