I have two rental properties that were reported on Schedule E prior to being contributed to an LLC. Spouse and taxpayer own the LLC. Prior to contribution to the LLC, each property was previously considered a separate activity on Form 8582. Upon contribution to the LLC, can and should K-1 losses from these properties be aligned with previously suspended losses by property?
My tax software and taxpayer/tech support insist the only way to present the K-1 losses is by investor, thus two new groups have been presented on Form 8582 for the taxpayer and spouse's share of the rental losses (separate from the 2 existing groups for the previously suspended Schedule E losses). They believe the Schedule E losses should have been released when the property was contributed to the LLC and subsequent losses should be presented by investor, but the contribution was a nontaxable transaction.
I want to maintain the separate tracking of these activities, so that when one property is sold previously suspended losses from that property/rental activity will be released to offset any gain. If the presentation is now by investor, both properties or investments in the LLC would have to be sold to trigger the release of the losses, right? Am I missing something?
My tax software and taxpayer/tech support insist the only way to present the K-1 losses is by investor, thus two new groups have been presented on Form 8582 for the taxpayer and spouse's share of the rental losses (separate from the 2 existing groups for the previously suspended Schedule E losses). They believe the Schedule E losses should have been released when the property was contributed to the LLC and subsequent losses should be presented by investor, but the contribution was a nontaxable transaction.
I want to maintain the separate tracking of these activities, so that when one property is sold previously suspended losses from that property/rental activity will be released to offset any gain. If the presentation is now by investor, both properties or investments in the LLC would have to be sold to trigger the release of the losses, right? Am I missing something?