Question from a college graduate

Sep 4, 2010
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Hey guys, first post here. I just wanted to get some practical information about finding a job in public accounting.

I graduated with a bachelors in Accounting and Information Systems from Queens college in January. My GPA was around a 2.9 (not great). I had 1 internship too at an advertising company that lasted about 3 months. Since graduation I have not been able to find a job at all in accounting, period. I have been working as a Porter at an apartment building making pretty good money for the time being ($20/hour plus benefits). But I obviously hate it and expect to do much better.

My question: It seems my only play right now should be to pass the CPA exam as I have over 150 credits. Will I have a much easier time finding a job once I pass the CPA exam? Or is it still an uphill battle without experience?

Aug 20, 2010
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I would not let the slightly lower GPA deter you from seeking work experience. It may be difficult obtaining accounting positions with a larger reputable firm however; you may consider gaining work experience independently as a contractor or doing freelance accounting until you build your experience in the industry or field of your choice - some of which you may be able to do while working your current job. Also, I do think that you will have many more opportunities once you obtain your CPA license as many Fortune 500 and larger companies would require it.

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