Accounting for overhead Exam Question

Apr 25, 2020
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Hong Kong
Hi everyone, here is a question that i dont have the answer and I would like to see if my answer is correct:-

Question 2.PNG

a. Complete the above table 1 by using the most appropriate base.

My answer:

Allocated costs……………70,022……..........…21,328…….....…29,928….....…..…8,437………...10,329
Rent and rates…………….4,641……….........….1934………........1547…….....…..…387……………773
Buildings insurance………3,713………........…1547……......…..1238………......…309……………..619
Electricity and gas………..6,800……….........…2833……….........2267………......…567……………1133
Plant depreciation……….28,390……….......18,450…….....…..8,520…….........….—………...…..1,420
Plant insurance…………….8,517……........….5535……….....….2,556……….......…—……………....426
Apportion Canteen………………………......…..6000………......…3000…….....….(9,700)………......700
Apportion Stores…………………………......….13700………........1700……….........—…………..….(15400)

My questions: is it correct?

Should I use Area occupied as a base to allocate Rent and rates, Buildings insurance, Electricity and gas?

and, should I use Plant at cost as a base to allocate Plant depreciation and Plant insurance?

(b). Use this information to calculate a production overhead absorption rate for Machining
department and for Assembly department based on machine hours and labor hours
respectively. Round off to nearest dollars for the above table.

My questions:

How to calculate the production overhead absorption rate?

Is it

Production overhead absorption rate for Machining department:

71,327/27,200 = $2.62/machine hour

Production overhead absorption rate for Assembly department:

50,756/18,000= $2.82/direct labour hour

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