Hello, I am a bookkeeper for about 25 years. In preparing my 1120-C tax return for fiscal year ending 6/30/22, my CPA ignored the P&L and, instead, made an assumption (his words) of wages paid based on an - admittedly - incorrect memo on a SEP payment which indicated the payroll amount was "gross amount for fiscal year 2022" as of 5/12/22, which was 6+ weeks before end of fiscal year. Although the net income is correct and matches the net income on the P&L, the wage earnings and permits and fees (where he put balance from P&L payroll amount) are incorrect. When I asked if an amended return was warranted, he said "no amending necessary. All is good". Although my books are squeaky clean, I do not want anything to trigger an audit. My question: would a return with incorrect wage earnings trigger an audit? Thank you for the assist!