USA International student seeking entry-level auditing position with accounting firms

Sep 7, 2013
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Hi everyone,

Since I graduated this January and the 12 months OPT timer started, I have been sending resumes to accounting firms, big and small, hoping to land an interview for entry-level opportunities (internship/regular full time). Eight months later, I still haven't received any replies. I know the current job market condition is not very favorable to international students, but every now and then, you hear good news from a friend's friend's friend of landing a job. So I really appreciate some insights, and suggestions from any of you on how to break into the industry.

I got a B.Sc economics in China and a Master of Public Admin. (Ivy League, good GPA) here in the States, didn't have internship here or any full time work experience. Past internships are in banking and finance back in China.

...But I took some accounting courses and passed the CPA exam, which I thought would at least get me some internship opportunities...Unfortunately it seems employers don't really need interns after the tax season(?)...

So my question is given the time left before my OPT expires, (4 months) what else I can try to get into public accounting or if there is another direction I can go and find employers that value my education and background.

Thank you for reading my post. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!

Dec 29, 2014
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Reach Out to Your Professors


I am in the same boat as you. I am an international student with F-1 Visa. I got my undergrad in a decent school in Texas and currently doing my masters to go for CPA exams. I have got my full time job offer from my internship with one of the big 4 accounting firms. I got recommendations from my professor for this internship. I believe every college has a few focus professors who work very closely with local firms for recommending hires. In fact, accounting world is small and very local so I would definitely reach out to your "focus" professors for help and recommendation. Convince him that you are good enough to succeed in any corporate firm and ask for direct help. They are meant to get you hired, not let you just pass by graduation with not doing anything.

Hope this helps.

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