USA Like-kind exchange of mortgaged properties

Oct 26, 2013
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I have the following issue and I don't know the correct answer:

"Taxpayer A owns an office building worth $1,030,000, encumbered by a mortgage of $800,000. His original cost was $920,000, and he has taken depreciation deductions of $255,000 on the building.
A wants to exchange his building for B's office building worth $920,000. A will assume the existing mortgage of $720,000 on the new building.

1. As stated, would this be a fair arms-length exchange? If not, who should be required to pay cash boot, and how much? Explain.
2. Assuming the exchange is made under the terms of your answer to #1, compute the following for A, showing all calculations:
a. Realized gain
b. Recognized gain
c. Basis in the new building."

My answer to number 1 would be that it's not a fair arms-length exchange, because the net value of B's building is $200,000 and A's building has a net value of $230,000. So B would have to pay cash boot of $30,000 to A. Is that correct?

And I have no idea how to answer number 2. Can someone explain how to do this, please? I'm confused by the depreciation deduction of Taxpayer A.

Thank you! :)

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