USA Marketable education: benefits of a MBA or graduate certificates?

Jul 24, 2019
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United States
Hello, everyone! I am hoping to get some opinions on how marketable an MBA would be verse two (2) graduate certificates an accounting and a financial?

I have no real interest in a master's degree, I just want enough credits to get a CPA license, if I take the two certificate courses I will have 150 credits and the correct course work to qualify. I am wondering how this would look to an employer and how marketable this plan is in the job market? I also want to wait and get experience if I do end up going back for a master's, so that I can apply experience to the degree earning credits that way, have it easier to understand the course work because of experience, and tuition assistance.

One last thing I thought of, I am only like 5 classes, if that, away from a Bachelor's in Business with a certificate in Finance, is it worth just getting the BA provided it cost the same as the certificate alone? I will have 2 bachelor's, would that look good?

Any advice related to possible alternatives to my advancement in education or realistic need for these degrees/certificates please feel free to let me know.

I want to see what my educational options are once I get hired on to an accounting firm or other private sector company before I get into more debt or if it is covered through work, the commitment of another 7 months to 1yr+ of school again. I hope I don't sound lazy or trying to take the easy way out, I want to be pragmatic and I hate wasting time on pointless things when I can take a different route getting to where I want to more efficiently.
Last edited:
Aug 7, 2019
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United States
I think you need to look at what your future plans are. If you plan to work in a public accounting firm, an MBA would be of little use. I would take just enough credits to qualify for the CPA exam. If you are a CPA, your degrees will matter very little (In regards to whether it is business, accounting, etc). If you do not take the CPA exam, a graduate in accounting would probably have the advantage over a Bachelor's in accounting. However, depending on what you plan on doing, a bachelor's would probably be fine.

If looking to take over a controller position in a private sector, a CPA would be preferred over an MBA. For a CFO, it is different, I have noticed companies that do not require a CPA, but do require MBA. However, there are some out there that require CPA and not MBA, and some that would prefer both.

My suggestion would be to think about where you want to be in a few years and plan accordingly to that. Review multiple job positions online and see what the requirements are, that way when you hit the experience levels, you also have the academic/license requirements to qualify for the job your really want.

Lastly, my personal opinion would be to work for a little bit and then go back and do your masters if you decide to get your MBA. You will be able to apply it to more real life situations. Get out of school and start working towards your CPA right away. Good Luck!
Jul 24, 2019
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United States
I know this a month over due, but your response is so greatly appreciated. This helps a lot, especially sibce i am hitting the pavement hard looking for my first accounting job.
Apr 7, 2020
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I hope you've landed your first accounting job! All the best with your career!
Jul 3, 2020
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United States
I’m an MBA in a Controller position after years of working as an executive it’s very different. A CPA would probably be a better fit. Although it’s a good step to CFO positions! If you like variety, MBA is my advice, but if you like numbers and finance and spreadsheets are your forte then you’ll be able to do well as a CPA with an under graduate degree in accounting and finance. It would take a lot more classes for me to get my CPA at this point.

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