UK Cashback - income for corporation tax and vat, or not?

May 6, 2020
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United Kingdom
I have a query regarding business income for cashback on a VAT registered limited company registered in the UK. We recently opened up a PayPal Business Debit Mastercard and you receive 0.5% cashback on all purchases. We have a separate PayPal account for any business transactions and PayPal pay the cashback received to the PayPal account directly into the PayPal balance. I wanted to check that this is non-taxable money, thus does not need to logged as company income, and not applicable for VAT deductions - is that correct?

I am also concerned that it may make our accounts a little more complex, for example if we pay for something for £100, it will first deduct the cashback amount available in the PayPal balance and then charge the rest on the connected bank account. This means that the invoices we receive and pay will not show the correct amount in the bank statements since it was partially paid using cashback - which also means our vat claims will need to be adjusted accordingly, different to what the vat amount says on the invoices and the actual amount paid will show lesser than the invoice (due to cashback being spent first before the connected bank account) - may someone know a particular way to arrange to rule out the above complications?

We could potentially cash it in to the bank each time cashback is paid into PayPal balance, but I would also need to post the cashback monies to the correct category so that it is not seen as taxable income.

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