USA New York Licensure - Education Requirements

Sep 2, 2016
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United States
Hey, everyone! So, I recently completed my MBA - Business Administration to go along with a BS in Accounting and I'm wondering if anybody here could give me some advice on the 'equivalent degree' requirements in New York. The school offers an accredited licensure qualifying MBA in Public Accounting but I fell two courses short since they're not offered online, and travel to the campus wasn't a possibility.

I've contacted the New York State Education Department but they just pointed me back to their webpage without giving much guidance on how I can get some kind of official determination before taking the exams. I already know I qualify to sit for the exams, it's the license after the exams that I'm worried about.

I have 33 credit hours in accounting with the following courses:
ACC 201 – Principles of Accounting I
ACC 202 – Principles of Accounting II
ACC 301 – Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 305 – Accounting Information Systems
ACC 310 – Cost Accounting
ACC 302 – Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 330 – Federal Tax Accounting I
ACC 430 – Auditing
ACC 440 – Advanced Accounting
MBA 571 – Public Sector Accounting
MBA 574 – Advance Auditing

I think these meet the 33 credit hour requirements laid out here (7 categories under the 'Education Requirements)

Now, to the point (sorry for the post length), does anybody have experience applying for a license under the 'equivalent degree' qualification? Any suggestions for who I could contact to get an official determination, if possible? I obviously can't apply for the license yet and applying for the exams, as I understand it, would just tell me if I qualify for the the exams, not if I'd also qualify for licensure afterwards.

Many thanks for any assistance!
Sep 5, 2016
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United States
I did the equivalent degree because I was graduated in Texas but came to work in NY. Some of my classes didn't fit exactly, but I had a masters which I think made up for it. I don't remember whether I called ahead of time or just submitted my application and crossed my fingers

Have you tried contacting them through email or phone. This is what i found

  • Call: 518-474-3817 Extension 570; or
  • Email: (e-mail address removed)

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