Should I go for a Masters of Accounting?

Sep 19, 2011
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I just graduated in May with a Bachelors Degree in Architecture but am considering switching to the accounting field. Would it be in my best interest to go on to get a Masters of Accounting even though I have no previous accounting/business classes, OR should I go back for a Bachelors of Accounting?

My main concern is that if I get a Masters of Accounting without a Bachelors in Accounting I wouldn't be hired after graduate school.

Aug 4, 2011
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I have a Master's of Science in Accounting. I would think it would be difficult if even possible to get one w/o any previous classes in that area. You'd probably have to start at the beginning to even get the basic business requirements.
Nov 21, 2011
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I am trying to make the same decision. I have a BA in Social Sciences, with a Business Minor, so I have taken SOME accounting classes, though no where near what someone with a BA in Accounting would have taken. I am wondering if you could do an Accounting Certificate as a basis for a Masters if you already have the BA?
Jan 31, 2012
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I also have a bachelor in computer science, so I am in a program to certify me to take the CPA exam. Since I had no accounting classes, I have to take two years worth of courses- about 9 hours each for two spring and two fall sessions and also two summer sessions. But it starts you at the beginning. I live in Texas. I don't know if this program specifically is for Texas but as long as you have completed certain courses, you qualify to take the CPA exam.
Dec 23, 2011
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I just graduated in May with a Bachelors Degree in Architecture but am considering switching to the accounting field. Would it be in my best interest to go on to get a Masters of Accounting even though I have no previous accounting/business classes, OR should I go back for a Bachelors of Accounting?
One advice to you would be: take business and accounting classes at the university which you intend to go to graduate school (if within a reasonable distance). Chances are, you will have some business prerequisites to take before you can actually start your masters program. Build a new resume with an accounting focus. Market yourself as a "Candidate for a Masters in Accounting."

Second - You already have a bachelor's so why get another bachelor's when you could get a Master's! You may have to take a few pre-requisites but having the master's will already give you an edge over other accountants when you're finished.

My main concern is that if I get a Masters of Accounting without a Bachelors in Accounting I wouldn't be hired after graduate school.Thoughts?
Simply state that you've taken an interest in an accounting career. Many employers, including accounting employers, will look fondly on your background. Architecture majors are typically creative people, and I'm sure that you are as well. It actually will give you an advantage in the accounting world, where you will probably be more well-rounded than most.
Apr 4, 2012
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I'd advise you to go and get some real work experience.
Qualifications are nice, but when everyone has them it's the experience of actually doing the job that counts.
This also gives you plenty to talk about confidently at an interview.

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