switching to accounting with unfocused career...will I be able to?

Aug 31, 2012
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hey all!

so, I have a rather scattered academic history from various universities. I suppose I should give the chronological story to make it easier to follow. I got my B.A. in Psychology in 2008 (3.5 GPA) with the plan on going to law school. I went to law school for one year, hated it and dropped out. I have since got a Masters in Marketing (3.58 GPA) in 2011, but to be honest, I did not enjoy that line of work.

Long story short, I did some soul searching and signed up for some classes in the summer to see what fields I would be interested in. Turns out that I quite liked the Accounting course that I took, so I am taking some business prerequisites this fall so that I can apply for a Masters of Accounting program.

I suppose my major concern is that I have appeared to scattered and unfocused with my studies. Is that going prevent me from getting a good accounting job? or once i've passed the CPA test, does that override any of your past mistakes?

thanks for your help.

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