USA Screwed up Accountant

Sep 15, 2018
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United States
I have a new technical accounting boss. She is a CPA with several years of experience.

She recently expressed that Accounting isn't my field due to the repeated mistakes I make. However, I was hired knowing I had no previous experience. I don't get a lot of lessons. I finished my Bachelor's in Business last year. I have a hard time sitting at my desk for a full day, I eat at my desk, I don't have much movement, so I need to get away, but then I don't feel anyone else does that.

When I take classes, I want Accounting classes. I picked accounting because I felt confident, but now, not so much. So now I am just a little screwed up. Do I try for a new job or change careers to HR (which has been suggested on several occasions)??? I want to do Accounting, but I am not good at it. I'm a dancer that loves to dance, but suck at dancing!


VIP Member
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm sorry to hear that. FWIW it may just be that she is a bad teacher! Everyone makes mistakes, it's a big part of how we learn. If you're making the same mistakes over and over and have difficulty seeing that they're mistakes then that is different though. Needing to get away from your desk isn't necessarily a bad sign, but it may indicate that you're bored or aren't fully engaging with your work. Only you can know what is best for you, if you really enjoy accountancy then keep at it and your skills and knowledge will improve.


VIP Member
May 12, 2011
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United States
A reverie: You move to HR in your present firm then are a key part of helping to exit New Technical Accounting Boss from the firm.
It could happen...
Feb 18, 2019
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United States
I have a new technical accounting boss. She is a CPA with several years of experience.

She recently expressed that Accounting isn't my field due to the repeated mistakes I make. However, I was hired knowing I had no previous experience. I don't get a lot of lessons. I finished my Bachelor's in Business last year. I have a hard time sitting at my desk for a full day, I eat at my desk, I don't have much movement, so I need to get away, but then I don't feel anyone else does that.

When I take classes, I want Accounting classes. I picked accounting because I felt confident, but now, not so much. So now I am just a little screwed up. Do I try for a new job or change careers to HR (which has been suggested on several occasions)??? I want to do Accounting, but I am not good at it. I'm a dancer that loves to dance, but suck at dancing!

You want to do accounting, then stay where you’re happy. Sounds like a poor boss; a good boss sees his or her employee performing negatively and says ‘I/We have failed’ not singles the employee out. Then the boss tries to help the employee.

What seems to be your issues?
Careless mistakes (we all have them at times)
Lack of skill?
See if there’s a way work load can be lessened if they are unwilling to train so that you have time to learn.

I go to the gym during my lunch break. 12-2:30 is lunch at desk & gym. It’s my reset button, & then I work as late as needed. But 12-2:30 is my time. Take care of yourself.

I also meditate 20min am and 20min around 5pm.
Feb 18, 2019
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United States
Also don’t expect first job to be the best job (or the worst). Sometimes switching a few times until you find that right job is needed.

John Baker

As I read your situation, it's obvious that being in an environment where you're inside, under the eye of others, confined to one spot, etc., etc., is not your thing. Also, your constant assessment of yourself is evidence of your unhappiness. And your last statement, "I'm a dancer that loves to dance, but suck at dancing!" had me doing a double take.
You were accepted for your current job, knowing you had no prior experience - tells me you needed work and here you are. So you went into a job knowing little of the demands and requirements that were going to be place before you. In that regard, work is work, and a paycheck is a no brainer. So look, if this is a pattern of your life, were you live, the conditions that surround you right now, it's time to take stock of your personality, your day to day needs, and move on. Now I'm not suggesting to flat out quit and hit the classified. No, by no means.
Do you like the outdoors. manual labor, being by yourself to reason out and do things your way? Then think of something that'll satisfy any one of those conditions. I also would suggest staying away from dealing with the public to a large extent. Your personality, from what I read is not suited for that kind of work.
If your young enough and can afford college, take some of your college credits and try forestry. I think you'd be good at it. Forest Rangers are in big demand in the Midwestern States and the large lumber companies, and even some states, will help you get your credentials. Just be mindful of the solitude and personal discipline necessary for that kind of occupation. Give it a try, and similar careers.
Apr 15, 2019
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That's sad.. It might be an idea to try something else, you never know, but I still believe you should always do what you love.

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